The greatest barrier between God’s glory and our lives is faith. Hebrews eleven and verse six says, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”
If God is faithful and true to His Word, can’t we trust Him with our lives, our hurts and our future? Certainly, the answer should always be yes, but there are times when we waver and shift into unsettled grounds.
We step into the muddy and murky water of faithlessness . We slush around and suddenly we are so far away from the shores, we can’t see our way out without getting messier.
But today, I want to remind you that you can trust God. You can believe God. He is faithful and He is true. The only way to be sure of this is to ask great things of Him and believe that it is possible as you wait for His greatness to be made known. Too often, I’ve talked to women who are disenchanted with their dreams and discouraged in their walk with God. When we peel back the layers of their feelings over coffee, generally what’s lying at the baseline is a prayer that’s never been said, a request never asked and a heart afraid to have active faith in God.
Matthew chapter twenty-one and verse twenty-two says, “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive”. So what’s possible when we pray? ALL THINGS. What will you receive when you pray? ALL THINGS.
The only way our prayers can transform from impossibilities to possible outcomes is by the faithful and mighty right hand of God. 1 Corinthians chapter one verse nine says, “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord”. The Bible tells us plainly, God is faithful. In fellowship with Christ, what limits us from being heard, blessed and used by Him?
If you have a need or desire in your life, take it to the Lord in prayer. There is nothing better than bringing your heart to the One who created it. He is faithful and all of His promises of peace, love, life and redemption are ours in excess when we have faith in Him and trust that He is who He says He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Your job is to have faith and ask, His job is to answer.
May you continue to trust in God and may God continue to show you why He is faithful day by day, generation to generation.