I remember hearing a friend tell a story about how she lost her kid. Not indefinitely, but long enough to make her panic. The look on her face, the shakiness in her voice made me feel like it had just happened. “No parent wants to lose their kid!”, she said.
I believe this is how God feels about us. He never wanted us to be lost. If He did, He wouldn’t have created a plan to save us or guide us along the way. In sending Jesus, God gave us a clear path to Him, a path that leads us to salvation and into the heavenly realms.
Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him.”…- John 14:6
I am very sympathetic to Thomas and his desire to know Jesus fully- not just the idea of Him but the reality of Him. He wanted evidence that Jesus was able to get him to where he wanted to go. I’m the same way. I’ve asked many times “Lord, how do I know the way?”. Yes, I know Jesus is the way to God, but sometimes I’m fumbling my way through circumstances. I’ve been Thomas, I’ve doubt and needed evidence to assure me that He is still walking with me and ahead of me.
Friends, the gift of Jesus’ guidance is a great comfort to believers. His response to Thomas is exactly what He’d say to you and me. Jesus is still the way. Maybe you feel lost or felt lost at some point this year. Don’t beat yourself up about it, grace abounds. Remember in your moment of confusion, Jesus is the way. He will walk you through this life better than anyone–after all, He created it. He knows the terrain, He calls every mountain by name–and He also calls you by name. Jesus is the way, He is our guide, He is our God.